• "Rebuilding Lives, Restoring Hope with 100 Veterans Inc."

Veterans resources

Welcome to 100 Veterans Inc.

At 100 Veterans Inc., we are dedicated to supporting and serving those who have bravely served our country. As a non-profit organization, our mission is to assist veterans in rehabilitating their lives after returning home from their service. We provide a range of programs and support services aimed at addressing the unique challenges faced by veterans, with the ultimate goal of helping them successfully reintegrate into civilian life. Our team is committed to making a meaningful difference in the lives of those who have sacrificed for our nation, and we strive to be a trusted resource for veterans seeking assistance and support.

California veterans

represent 31% of the national unhoused veteran population

According to recent data, veterans in California represent 31% of the national unhoused veteran population. This statistic underscores the significance of addressing homelessness among veterans, particularly in the state of California. By raising awareness and implementing targeted support programs, we can work towards providing assistance and resources to reduce the unhoused veteran population in California and across the country.

Unhoused Veterans 2022

Based on the top 3 states with the highest amount of unhoused veterans in the United States.

Among the 250,000 unemployed veterans in 2022

54 percent were ages 25 to 54, 39 percent were age 55 and over, and 7 percent were ages 18 to 24

(Bureau of Labor Statistics)